Awaken to the power of you!
Discover that happiness, energy and vitality are not some elusive goals, but
instead a question of connecting with your physical well-being. The elixir of
life, simply stated, is healthy living. Through exercise, healthy eating and
life balance, you can live to your fullest potential. Being the healthiest you
can be will bring you unprecedented joy and energy and help to reduce stress in
your life. It’s a new year and the best time to discover how you can feel
inspired to live the fullest life that you can imagine powered by healthy
living. Keep reading to learn five positive steps you can take towards having
more confidence, energy and a healthy body. We want you to be inspired to be
your best, live your healthiest life and find happiness! With our specific
nutrition, fitness, life balance and self-esteem tips, you will be well on your
way to awaken to the power of you!
“To keep the body in good
health is a duty…otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and
Why is optimum health so
important? Without good health, we don’t have the energy to enjoy all the
things that give us pleasure and fulfillment in life, such as our
relationships, work and leisure. Everything extends from a healthy body,
including a healthy state of mind, as well as our emotional and spiritual
health. To be able to connect with a healthy state of being is essential to
avoiding stress and disease, the pitfalls of not prioritizing healthy living.
Think of a fit and healthy body as being your ammunition against illness and
disease or as your assurance of a life fulfilled with unparalleled joy and
With such promise of
happiness and fulfillment that comes from healthy living, why do so many of us
procrastinate starting an exercise regime, neglect our nutrition, or overwork
until our stress levels skyrocket? One reason is that we don’t make health a
priority. Know that you and only you are in charge of your destiny. Now is the
time to start making your health your number one priority.
Another obstacle is that we
perceive change as an insurmountable hurdle. The idea of beginning an exercise
program or making changes to our diet can be daunting! With so much (often
conflicting) information available to us we are not sure where to begin. It’s
easier to maintain the status quo; after all, it’s human nature to resist
change! Instead, imagine awakening to a life in which you have energy and
vitality to enjoy every day, in which your state of mind is calm instead of
harried, and the food you eat and enjoy fuels your mind and body. So, if you
are looking to start the New Year with the goal of becoming healthier, let us show
you how to live with health, confidence and energy. With the following simple
steps, learn how to springboard your plan towards a more fulfilling,
stress-free life!
The first step in creating a
plan for change is to set an intention and define your goals. Without this
important step, we are all good intention and no action. Canadian yogi Eoin
Finn aptly phrased the importance of goal setting when he said, “Why bob in
life when you can surf.”
Firstly, set an intention for
2014! Similar to setting a new year’s resolution, an intention asks what you
want to cultivate in your life. However, an intention is softer than a
resolution. Instead of a “resolution” to loose ten pounds, set an intention to
have a healthier relationship with your weight.
An intention is more global than a resolution and honors our imperfections
and humanity. Since 83% of New Year’s goal-oriented, guilt-fueled “resolutions”
fail; an intention is something that makes your new journey more joyful and
meaningful. You still have to do the work, but your focus shifts from sacrifice
and self-control to one of acceptance.
Five steps towards healthy
1. Get moving!
“We were meant to
move. And when we don’t, we increase our risk of virtually every known
ailment,” says Bob Greene, author of “The Life You Want.” Illnesses associated
with a sedentary lifestyle include diabetes, coronary heart disease,
hypertension, osteoporosis and stroke among others. It is well documented that
exercise strengthens the immune system in ways that can help fight everything
from small infections to cancer.
The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology recommends
that adults ages 18-64 accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate to vigorous
intensity physical activity per week (20 minutes per day) and include muscle
and bone strengthening activities using major muscle groups at least two days
per week. Moderate activity is defined as walking or bike riding and vigorous
activity is defined as jogging or cross-country skiing.
Many of us know what to do to get moving, but don’t have the motivation
to stick to an exercise program. What is of utmost importance for your success
is that you find a deeper emotional or psychological motivation to exercise.
This is something that inspires you and only you, such as you want the energy
to play with your children or grandchildren or you are always feeling low
energy and it is impacting your work and relationships or you want to feel more
self-confident. Get in touch with what your individual barriers are to
exercise, such as “I don’t have time to workout,” or “I can’t afford a gym
membership” or “I don’t know where to start” and counter your known objections
with doable steps to overcome these “excuses.” Start putting yourself first,
start scheduling exercise into your life and be consistent!
Exercise is so vital
to your health and happiness and if you can make this one change to your
lifestyle, you will probably find that the other steps will easily follow suit.
You will sleep better, be less stressed, more confident and you will want to
fuel your body better and so you will naturally want to eat better, too.
2. Eat better!
Put aside all of your diet,
“loose weight fast” books that you have collected over the years and instead
get back to basics. Eating better and maintaining a healthy weight is about
making healthy eating a lifestyle change. In the United States, spending on
diets and self-help books is an average of $60 billion per year. Save your
money because diets don’t work! In fact, 98% of diets fail. Instead, try changing
your eating patterns by including more unprocessed, whole foods and including Mother
Nature’s healthiest offerings, such as whole grains, fresh fruits and
vegetables. This simple change will help create enormous improvements in your
energy level, weight and health.
“Having a healthy approach to
food, and eating better is about achieving that sense of balance; lots of the
good stuff, loads of variety, and the odd indulgence every now and then,” says
Jamie Oliver, author of numerous cookbooks on healthy eating, including The
Food Revolution.
For more information on
eating healthy, go to the Health Canada website,, where you can find a link to Canada’s Food Guide,
which offers information on food groups, portion sizes and how to read labels
at the grocery store. Or, consider
hiring a dietitian. To find a registered dietitian in your area, visit
3. Reduce Stress.
According to Stats Canada, more
than a quarter (27%) of Canadian working adults, roughly 3.7 million
people, described their lives on most days as 'quite a bit' or 'extremely' stressful,
meaning that they go through a regular day feeling a high level of stress.
Stress is becoming a major health concern, responsible for a multitude of
illnesses, including heart disease, high blood pressure and strokes. Stress
also impacts our immune system, which protects us from many serious diseases.
Sadly, stress is a known contributor to the development of alcoholism,
diabetes, drug addiction, suicide and other harmful behaviors.
The majority of us are living
day to day in a constant state of low-grade stress, where adrenaline is
constantly being released into our bodies and has become our main form of fuel.
To keep up with our harried pace, we consume processed foods, sugar and
caffeine. Living life in this state of “overdrive” is coming at a cost to our
health and well being. Our current behavior, if not checked, will continue to
result in a host of health related problems, unrestrained stress and resulting
It’s time for a shift in our
values and perspective, starting by slowing down! It is a conscious choice that
many are adopting through exercise, yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises.
Giving yourself permission to check out and hang out in a hammock may be life
changing. So, take time for life! Decide today that you won’t let work and
stress overwhelm you.
4. Banish negativity!
Self-esteem and confidence
are key to our happiness and yet 80% of American women are dissatisfied with
their appearance. Americans had 11 million plastic surgery procedures in 2006
and 333, 000 of those were performed in the U.S. on women 18 years of age and
younger! How did our definition of beauty get so warped?! Today’s epidemic of
plastic surgery is a barometer of women undervaluing their inner and outer
beauty and it’s time for a change.
We have it all backwards!
Instead of focusing on plastic surgery and dieting to achieve a healthy body,
we need to focus on healthy living. A fit and healthy body is a by-product of a
balanced, healthy life-style.
And, what happened to valuing
inner beauty? Instead of trying to repair our broken confidence with this band-aid
approach, we need to look deeper and search for personal strength and beauty
within ourselves. Women need to return to a “girl state of mind,” meaning we
need to be happy in our own skin, not influenced by the media and confident
with our inner beauty. We need to pay attention to negative self-talk and turn
any negatives into a positive, soul-nourishing inner dialogue.
5. Creative expression
According to psychologist
Abraham Maslov’s hierarchy of needs, creativity, along with morality and
spontaneity is among our highest human needs and leads us to
self-actualization. To achieve happiness and tap into our deepest human needs,
we need to express our creativity. Tapping into your creativity through art,
photography dance, writing or music can help alleviate stress and help you
connect with your higher self. Think of an
activity that allows you to completely loose track of time and this is probably
your go-to creative pastime. For many, work may offer creative expression. Perhaps
you are a marketer or entrepreneur, a writer or fashion designer and are doing
what you love for a living. For others, choosing a past time that allow you to
rediscover your creative energy through wood working, scrapbooking or belly
dancing class will go a long way towards bringing you joy, vitality and a sense
of pride.
It’s never too late to
improve your health and well-being. The small steps you take today can become
huge strides in protecting your health in the future. In not much time at all,
you can lose weight, strengthen and tone your muscles, reduce stress, tap into
your creative energy and improve your self-esteem.
It’s a new year and a great
time to begin making changes towards healthier living. “You have the power to
change anything, because you are the one who chooses your thoughts and you are
the one who feels your feelings,” says Michael Bernard Beckwith, minister,
author, and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center in the U.S. Try
incorporating these five steps towards change and you will bring vitality,
wellness and happiness into your life and awaken to health, confidence and the
power of you!