Fitness Instructor Job Review
Is your fitness instructor a Diva or Dynamo?
You put your health and wellness in the hands of your fitness instructor every time you take a class. You look to them for their knowledge and experience and you trust that they are leading you through a safe and effective workout. But, how do you know that you are in the hands of an experienced professional who has your best interests in mind? Let us put your instructor to the test and see if they make the passing grade on our fitness instructor job review. Using five key measures of success, we’ll rate your instructor on the safety of their class, their “star power”, their passion for the teaching, how they connect with their participants, and whether they “walk the talk.”
First let’s look at the “nuts and bolts” of what makes a good instructor. Safety should be the first consideration. A basic requirement for instructors teaching group exercise is a recognized accreditation. Recognized certifying bodies include, Canadian Fitness Professionals (canfitpro), Ontario Fitness Council (OFC), or American Council on Exercise (ACE). Certified instructors are required to have CPR and 1st aid training and to renew their certifications on a yearly basis. Most recognized fitness facilities require both a recognized instructor certification and an up-to-date CPR certification. Ask your facility what is required from their instructors so you know you are in safe hands.
A good instructor will offer modifications for different levels of ability or injuries and alternatives for special populations, such as seniors or pregnant participants. They will circulate the room and correct form and technique. Your instructor should also be teaching the class listed on the schedule, not doing whatever suits their fancy. If you came to class expecting Gentle Fitness and they are teaching Boot Camp, this should definitely raise a red flag!
Today’s fitness enthusiast is more knowledgeable and better educated about health and fitness than ever before, which in turn means that they expect more from their fitness provider. It’s the job of your fitness instructor to meet this need by being up to speed on current trends and information. An instructor who has a true passion for their job will make a dedicated commitment to continuing education. It’s how they stay current and offer variety in their routines, keeping every class fresh and fun! We asked David Snively, who has been a leader in the fitness industry for over 20 years and has hosted two successful workout television shows, including “Great Shape”, and “Caribbean Workout,” what he believes makes a great instructor. David told us, “In my opinion a great instructor has a strong commitment to ongoing and never ending continuing education.” With over 20 health and fitness certifications, David is one of the premier fitness experts in the world. He is also a strong believer in his own continuing education and spends as much time as possible taking courses and internships in all related fields of health and fitness. Truly, becoming a great teacher means being an enthusiastic student.
If you leave your fitness class feeling inspired, energized and positive, then your instructor has already mastered this next criteria. We call it “the party experience.” Each class should feel like you’re a guest at a party. The mood should be upbeat, you should feel welcome and your “host” should take care of your needs. An instructor who can create an environment where you feel confident and successful has true “star power.” In an industry that is notorious for its “hard-body” preoccupation, sometimes it’s hard to find authenticity. We’re not talking about ego when we say “star-power”, but instead about confidence, a positive attitude, being approachable, and motivating! This is the kind of instructor who creates laughter, energy and a “goose bumps” experience for their participants. Sharon Mann, internationally renowned fitness expert and presenter, co-producer and host of “In Shape with Sharon Mann” says, “A great instructor makes their participants feel confident. If they’re confident, they’ll come back,” she says. Kimberly Spreen, industry presenter and fitness director for Life Time Fitness/Life Power Yoga in Nevada believes that attitude is the key to “star power.” “Attitude is contagious.” Kimberly asks, “Is theirs worth catching?”
Another measure of success is whether your instructor “walks the talk.” Listen to the messages that they are sending. Are they preaching the merits of life-balance or are they a cardio-junkie? Does your instructor share articles with the class on healthy living or do they talk about their next bodybuilding competition? Beware of the instructor who is competitive with class participants or who exercises to obsession. Instead, gravitate towards instructors who congratulate you for taking the time for improving your health and fitness and who exhibit a healthy life balance.
David Snively believes, “A great instructor is interested in optimizing overall health and well being, continues to learn ways to enhance lives with how we eat, drink, think and move, and shares this valuable information with passion and respect. I also believe a great instructor models this behavior and thought process in their own life journey.” We look to our instructors for inspiration and to model a healthy lifestyle. Beware of empty promises for quick weight loss schemes or products and realize that the true path to health and fitness is comprised of many small steps in a positive direction.
The beauty of group exercise is that it is about creating community. A great instructor will work this to their advantage by welcoming new participants, introducing them to regulars, getting to know people’s names and by making an emotional connection with the class. Instructors who excel at this create a non-intimidating environment where nobody is judged and people can be themselves.
Bonus marks goes to the instructor who takes time after class to answer questions, who offers to share information with you regarding an injury or who takes time to review choreography. Ask your instructor if he or she has a Facebook or Web page listing their class schedule and/or their exercise philosophy. Many instructors are doing this now and it’s a great way for them to connect with their fitness community.
So, did your instructor make the grade? If your instructor truly shines, tell them, even share this article with them. Better yet, write to us and tell us why your instructor is a dynamo! If your instructor is a flunky, consider taking action by sharing this article with your facility’s fitness or group exercise director. After all, it’s your workout, make it the best it can be!
Bonus marks goes to the instructor who takes time after class to answer questions, who offers to share information with you regarding an injury or who takes time to review choreography. Ask your instructor if he or she has a Facebook or Web page listing their class schedule and/or their exercise philosophy. Many instructors are doing this now and it’s a great way for them to connect with their fitness community.
So, did your instructor make the grade? If your instructor truly shines, tell them, even share this article with them. Better yet, write to us and tell us why your instructor is a dynamo! If your instructor is a flunky, consider taking action by sharing this article with your facility’s fitness or group exercise director. After all, it’s your workout, make it the best it can be!